Sundance Bag Bag - Free Pattern March 10, 2022 23:51
This is a pretty way to tidy up your collection of plastic bags. The ribbing and lace are worked in the round on double-pointed needles—but use the magic loop if that's your thing! It's finished off with a short I-Cord, sewn into a loop.
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One Size
Finished Measurements:
13½" long x 12¾" circumference.
Sundance, by Classic Elite (50% cotton, 50% microfiber; 50 gram ball = approx 83 yards): 2 balls 6201 Linen
Size US 6 (4 mm) and 9 (5.5 mm): One set double-pointed needles (dpns) each size, or size needed to obtain gauge.
Stitch marker
16 sts and 20 rnds = 4" in Feather and Fan Pattern with larger needles. Take time to save time, check your gauge.
Bag Bag
With smaller needles, CO 42 sts. Join to work in the rnd, being careful not to twist sts; pm for beg of rnd.
Begin 1 x 1 Rib; work even until piece measures 11⁄2" from beg.
Change to St st and Inc Rnd: Inc 9 sts evenly around as follows: Work 2 sts, m1, work 4 sts, [m1, work 5 sts] 5 times, m1, work 4 sts, m1, work 5 sts, m1, work 2 sts—51 sts.
Work 2 rnds in St st.
Change to larger needles and Feather and Fan Patt; work even until piece measures about 13" from beg, end after Rnd 4 of Feather and Fan Patt.
Change to smaller needles and 1 x 1 Rib; work around, dec 1 st—50 sts rem.
Work for 2 rnds.
BO 47 sts in rib—3 sts rem.
Work 3-st I-Cord for 31⁄2". BO all sts.
Block piece to measurements. Form I-Cord into loop and sew to the base where I-Cord meets the ribbing.
Circular 1 x 1 Rib: (multiple of 2 sts)
Rnd 1: *K1, p1; rep from * around.
Rep Rnd 1 for patt.
Circular Stockinette Stitch (St st): Knit all sts, every rnd.
Circular Feather and Fan Pattern: (multiple of 17 sts)
(also, see chart)
Rnd 1: Purl.
Rnd 2: *[K2tog] 3 times, yo, [k1, yo] 5 times, [ssk] 3 times; rep from * around.
Rnd 3: Knit.
Rnd 4: Knit.
Rep Rnds 1–4 for patt.
I-Cord: Using 2 dpns and 3 sts already on needle, *knit 1 row; without turning the work, slide the sts to the right end of needle, pull yarn tightly from the end of the row, (behind the sts); rep from * until cord measures desired length.
beg: begin(ning)
BO: bind off
CO: cast on
dec: decrease
inc: increase
k: knit
k2tog: knit 2 sts together (1 st decreased)
m1: (make 1) insert left needle under horizontal strand between st just worked and next st, from the front to the back, knit through the back loop (1 st increased)
p: purl
patt: pattern
pm: place marker
rem: remain(ing)
rep: repeat
rnd(s): round(s)
ssk: (slip, slip, knit) slip 2 sts, 1 at a time knitwise to right needle; return slipped sts to left needle in turned position then knit them together through the back loops (1 st decreased)
st(s): stitch(es)
yo: yarn over (1 st increased)