Introducing the Germania Hoodie! August 27, 2021 17:30

I have a thing for hoodies. It's common for me to sit down to design something and for a hoodie shape to be the first thing to come to mind. I often need to set it aside to consider other silhouettes. But sometimes a design is just too loud to ignore. That is why the *Germania Hoodie was created. It was a persistent design that simply wanted to be born. Though I was considerate of those of you who aren't so hoodie obsessed, and included a hoodless option in the pattern.

Keep reading and watch the video to find out all about it!

Keep reading below for all the highlights of this sweater!

For this first introductory week the *Germania Hoodie is on sale for 10% off. And to celebrate hoodies in general, I'll be discounting a few more of my favorite knitted hoodie patterns with you over the next few weeks. If you're not already subscribed to my newsletter, you'll want to do that to be notified about those hoodie sales.

Or you can get this pattern for free until September 30, 2021 if you're part of my Patreon. So join any time!

If you join my Patreon before August 31, 2021, you'll also get last months pattern for free, too. That's nearly $15 worth of patterns for $5.

Some of the highlights of this sweater are that it's worked from the top down–starting at the hood (or shoulders for the hoodless version)—and there is contiguous set-in sleeve shaping, which I think is one of the coolest ways to shape a sweater. If you've never done it, you've gotta give it a try!

And it has a pockets that are incredibly satisfying to make seamlessly. In fact, the whole sweater is seamless, as you've possibly come to expect from my patterns. This one is no exception.

The colorwork! it simply graces the hem and sleeve cuffs, with just a single stripe around the buttonband. Oak leaves and acorns are from the majestic oak tree—a tree known for its strength, longevity and it's grand size and beauty.

This Pattern Includes:

• 12 pages of tech-edited and pattern tested instructions.
• Hooded and Hoodless options
• Charted colorwork instructions
• Schematic with inch and centimeter measurements
• Detailed written instructions for the sweater construction
• Beautiful color photography
• Links to video tutorials

Techniques Used:
• Stockinette Stitch in rows and rounds
• 2-color Stockinette Stitch in rows and rounds
• Decreases (k2tog, ssk)
• Lifted increases (LLI, LLPI, RLI and RLPI)
• Picking up stitches
• Cable Cast-on (video tutorial included)
• Three-needle bind-off (video tutorial included)
• Short-rows

You can read more about this pattern here.

sale ends September 4, 2021 at 11:59 pm EST
After purchase, there is an option to save the pattern
to your Ravelry store, if desired.

*To avoid any possible confusion, I want to explain my intention behind the name of this hoodie. As this hoodie was being created I was taking part in an ancestral healing practice in which I felt guided often by my well and healed ancient ancestors—whom I have reason to believe lived during the ancient Germanic period. The naming, and choice of the oak tree is in homage to those ancestors, without whom I wouldn't be here today.

There is no intended association here to any other meaning of the term Germania. I believe in and fight for the right to equality for all people regardless of race, religion, gender identification, sexual orientation, etc…